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Welcome to Manifest International! We are delighted that you have joined us and hope you will find our teaching and resources helpful in your pursuit of spiritual renewal and growth.


It is my prayer that you will experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ in your own life. My hope is to foster your relationship with Him in ways that draw you into a deeper revelation of God's eternal purpose, provoke you to a greater pursuit of His Kingdom, and equip you to love and serve others like never before. 


God has truly done wonderful things for us and we are glad to share it with you for His glory. May the Lord abundantly bless you today and until He returns.

By His grace,

Wendy Bowen

About Wendy

Wendy Bowen was the ultimate Type A until she had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Since then, the Lord called her to give away all of her possessions and live entirely by faith, prayer, and obedience to His voice. She has lived since then in the literal application of what has today become the Manifest International Approach.

Wendy proclaims Jesus and the Kingdom of God according to the Scriptures. She has authored many books and teaches the Manifest Our King Podcast to share the word of God, the ways of God, and the practical application of the teachings of Jesus. God also blesses her ministry with healing, deliverance, signs, and wonders.


God has sent her to minister in many nations spanning four continents to all kinds of people in all kinds of places and in churches of varying denominations. She now lives in Huntington, WV, where she serves the Lord among the homeless and drug-addicted community.

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