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MIP Authors & Their Books

Manifest International Publications publishes works by like-minded authors so that God’s word and teaching is spread throughout the world.

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Lee Ann Patton

Lee Ann Patton is a small business owner and has always taken a special interest in children and the elderly. Her passion is to share her conservative values with this generation and the generation to come.  


Howard Rubinow

Howard Rubinow the founder Nations, Tribes, Peoples and Tongues Ministry. He is a seer, prophet to the nations, and teacher, helping people reach their potential through practical application of spiritual principles. Howard has traveled around the world to over 19 countries proclaiming the Good News to the ends of the earth.



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Jill Shannon

Jill Shannon is a Messianic Jewish Bible teacher, author and worshiper/songwriter based in Jerusalem, Israel. Jill speaks and writes about the worship of Heaven, holy living, intimacy and transparency with the Lord, the biblical Feasts, the Song of Songs, Israel, and the Church. Jill is married, with three grown children and two grandsons. See Jill’s website for all books, music, and teachings.

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Tracy Hogan

Tracy resides in Ireland where she founded The Voice of My Beloved - A Call to the Nations Ministry. Her calling is to prophetically teach the Word of God to help prepare the Bride of Messiah for the Lord Yeshua’s soon coming return. This bridal preparation comes by teaching her truth, purity, holiness and in helping nurture in her an intimate love relationship with our Bridegroom King, through worship, intercession and warfare.

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Sheila Kay

Sheila Kay's ministry, ​House of Prayer, Prophecy, and Healing, in addition to her inner-city street ministry, Restoring the Broken Vessel, has blossomed into seven churches in the Maryland and Washington D.C. areas. She heads a monthly Prophetic Roundtable and has authored two books, Maturing in Son-ship through Suffering and Promises: God’s Provision through His Promises. Last but not least, Sheila is joyfully a great-grandmother.


Stephanie Jaworski

Through prayer and the grace of God, Stephanie Jaworski has overcome great obstacles and impossible barriers in her own life. She loves to share her passion for Jesus Christ and how she has seen and experienced the faithfulness of God. Stephanie previously served as a missionary to countries throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe. She presently serves the Lord as an author, song writer, wife, and mother of three.

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Ousha Jodha

Ousha Jodha was plucked by God out of a life as a devoted Hindu. Her life has been radically transformed through a living and dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. God uses her to spread the Gospel and minister prophetically wherever she goes. So far, God has sent her to sixteen nations, confirming His word with miracles, signs, and wonders. 

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Julie Pack

Julie Pack’s life has been re-created through her relationship with the Creator. Having been set free from the darkness of her past, she is right now in her most rewarding season of life, capturing every moment, living with gratitude, and always seeing life as an adventure. She has enjoyed ministering, traveling missions, and many years of banking. Julie currently lives and thrives in Lancaster County, PA, with her husband, Joshua, and their two energetic sons.

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Janice MAe Jackson

Janice Mae Jackson (pronounced Jan-eece) lives in the Maryland, Washington D.C. and Virginia area of the United States. She is a minister of the gospel, and the Pastor and leader of Go Ye Forth Ministry. She pastors and leads people to Christ by preaching the gospel, teaching the Bible, and training disciples to Go Ye Forth in fulfillment of the Great Commission. God has also sent her to minister in the nations, particularly to women and children in need of her loving care and exhortation.

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Catherine Vitetta

For as long as she can remember, Catherine Vitetta always loved her Lord and Savior, Jesus. Catherine and her husband, George, had a home church with multiple small community outreaches until George went to be with the Lord in 2022. Now, she is going even deeper in her relationship with the Lord by serving Him in new and unexpected ways, including writing this book! It is Catherine’s desire that this book will draw each reader into a more intimate relationship with Jesus so that they too can experience the love, peace, and joy that she has found in Him.

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George Vitetta
with Catherine Vitetta

George D. Vitetta’s life was radically changed when he discovered that truly walking with God was so different from what he had experienced in today’s church. As a Pastor, George’s passion was to teach the Bible to inspire everyone towards their own personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. George passed on to be with the Lord in July of 2022.

Catherine is co-author of her husband’s book, completing it in loving memory of him after his passing to see God’s purpose for the book fulfilled.

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