Gird yourself for spiritual battle with the power of the Holy Spirit!
This book by Sheila Kay will bring you into a dynamic understanding of the Holy Spirit and His power!
Starting with the basics, this book will advance you into deeper revelation of how the Holy Spirit dwells in you to work holiness and give supernatural spiritual discernment and comes upon you for working the works of Jesus in the power of God.
Sheila also shares from her experiences with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and miraculous works so that you will be inspired and empowered in your own walk with God!
"But when the Holy Spirit came into me, I felt like a new person. Amazingly, I had no fear, for I knew it was of God. There was a calmness, a peaceful beauty to what had just taken place. It was as if I was being sanctified, set aside, being made pure to live for Him forever."
ABOUT Sheila Kay
Sheila Kay is the founder and director of Restoring the Broken Vessel Ministries. Through outreach, teaching, and evangelizing, she teaches from God's Word for today's woman. Sheila is available for Conferences, Seminars, Retreats, and Women's groups, giving testimony of the miracles, signs, and wonders God has bestowed upon her through the wonderful Holy Spirit.

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